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Hi fellow MapleTippers -
It's been over 17 years since MapleTip first started in 2004 and it has helped shape many people's lives. The community in the MapleTip forums, the laughs we had in MapleStory, the Maple Dynasty Guild, and Teamspeak servers all helped to form long lasting friendships and discussions.
Over the past several years, I have continued to maintain and keep up the MapleTip forums to preserve past discussions, rekindle friendships, and continue to hold discussions with long time members. However, the forums, server, and infrastructure are aging and requires complex upkeep including keeping up with new changes browser technology, regulations, and other privacy concerns from members.
As we have all grown significantly over the past years, it's been harder to find time to maintain the forums. Therefore, in January 2022, the MapleTip forums will be shut down. MapleTip.com will continue to operate with references to the forums removed.
Until then, you will continue to have access to the forums, archive memories that you may want to keep and perhaps even reconnect with old friends in the unofficial MapleTip Oldies discord channel.
I sincerely thank the community for an amazing experience, friendships, and discussions we had in the past and I do apologize for the upcoming shutdown of the forums.