Update: The equipment database has been updated! If you see any bugs, please
email us!
Displaying 1-1 of 1 monsters.
Monsters First [1-1]
Level 65 |
HP 11,000 |
Speed -50 |
EXP 390 |
MP 80 |
Knockback 2000 |

Holy Cross Earrings Required Stats LEVEL: 55 STR: 0 DEX: 0 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Gold Hildon Boots Required Stats LEVEL: 50 STR: 160 DEX: 0 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Red Ice Queen Required Stats LEVEL: 60 STR: 210 DEX: 0 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Red Ice Queen Skirt Required Stats LEVEL: 60 STR: 210 DEX: 0 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Mikhail Required Stats LEVEL: 70 STR: 200 DEX: 0 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Redemption Required Stats LEVEL: 70 STR: 220 DEX: 0 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Blue Calas Required Stats LEVEL: 48 STR: 0 DEX: 0 INT: 145 LUK: 50 FAME: 0
White Seraphis Required Stats LEVEL: 60 STR: 0 DEX: 0 INT: 188 LUK: 63 FAME: 0
Evil Wings Required Stats LEVEL: 65 STR: 0 DEX: 0 INT: 198 LUK: 68 FAME: 0
Red Viper Required Stats LEVEL: 35 STR: 40 DEX: 110 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Oaker Garner Required Stats LEVEL: 60 STR: 0 DEX: 190 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Baige Elf Shoes Required Stats LEVEL: 70 STR: 0 DEX: 220 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Gold Eyes Required Stats LEVEL: 70 STR: 0 DEX: 215 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Bronze Pow Required Stats LEVEL: 60 STR: 0 DEX: 100 INT: 0 LUK: 170 FAME: 0
Dark Gigantic Required Stats LEVEL: 60 STR: 0 DEX: 100 INT: 0 LUK: 170 FAME: 0
Blue Mystique Required Stats LEVEL: 70 STR: 0 DEX: 110 INT: 0 LUK: 200 FAME: 0
Blue Mystique Pants Required Stats LEVEL: 70 STR: 0 DEX: 110 INT: 0 LUK: 200 FAME: 0
Brown Scarab Required Stats LEVEL: 70 STR: 0 DEX: 110 INT: 0 LUK: 200 FAME: 0
Mana Elixir
100% Scroll for Earring for INT
60% Scroll for Earring for INT
10% Scroll for Earring for INT
60% Scroll for One-Handed Sword for ATT
60% Scroll for Two-handed Axe for ATT
Power Crystal Ore
Yeti Horn
Opal Ore
Gold Ore
Not found anywhere |
Weapon Attack 182 |
Magic Attack 270 |
Accuracy 110 |
Weapon Defense 170 |
Magic Defense 245 |
Avoidability 24 |
Mesos |
HP Recovery 50 |
MP Recovery 2 |
Weak Against
Strong Against

Displaying 1-1 of 1 monsters.
First [1-1]