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Zombie Mushroom Signal 3There is no level requirment Before Starting Quest:Started Quest:Required Items:20 Recording CharmRequires Zombie Mushroom Signal 2 completed Finished Quest:Rewards:8,000 Experience |
I've done this so many times! >< i'm class Evan so the attack sound my dragon makes what attacking masks the sound of the zombie mushoomds dying and i really cannot make it out HELP
Report Bad Commentwhat was the sound that put them into rage?
Report Bad CommentArgggg!!!
I did this 2 times already!!
Now I am bored with it! Can somedosy tell me what the sound is for the freaking recording charms?
Report Bad CommentYou find em in the mini dungeon. The only thing i can get is COMPLETETING the quest
Report Bad Commentgo to the portal all the way to the right and just kill Zombie Mushrooms, you get them easily but i'm guessing the reason why they are now is because they made it easier to get them now (updates etc).
Report Bad Commentthe zombie mushrooms only drop the recording charms in the mini dungeon: cave of mushrooms. That's the problem with finding them.
Report Bad Commentsrsly people this is easy, just listen to the sound it plays, if it is the same sound as when the mushroom dies, click yes, if its the wrong sound, click no, then he'll play another sound.
Report Bad CommentITS FRIGGIN RIGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Report Bad CommentARGH!!! I collected 20 sound charms 6 times!!! And he keeps giving the wrong sound D: and now im lvl 35 so i cant do it anymore
The Mushking is in Henesys,
You keep going to near the taxi, theres a dungeon portal; Then you go in, then fall down.. Theres a portal. Req lvl 30+
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Oh BTW, This wuest is REPEATABLE, look at the description of the quest in the quest box near the rewards. There's another quest
Report Bad Commenti've just given him the recording charms for the second time. he took them without finishing the quest and moving on to the next one. AGAIN. is this normal? D:
Report Bad CommentFound all 20 like 6 times...
every time i can listen again, say it IS the sound, or say it is NOT... if not, he'll fix the player again so it should play the sound right, if i click yes i need to do the darn quest again, what's up with this?
Report Bad Commentlol it took me 10 minutes to do this, including the time it took to look up the quest on this site
Report Bad Commenti can find all of the charms but when i get to the guy i hav 3 choices to click on but all of them make me do the quest again
Report Bad Commentwth, i got it 3 times already wat am i suppose to do to get the right sound option sheesh NO GUIDE IS FREAKEN HELPFUL AT ALL, useless people
Report Bad Commenti guess you guys didn't try hard enough it took me only 15mins just to get 20
Report Bad CommentKill inside the mini dungeon, they didn't drop for me either but after a few DAYS i got them .... and anyway killing gives XP so .... why not try?....
Thank you
MrChilly Bera
Report Bad CommentYes they do drop them. you just need to keep killing them, its a more rare drop. you'll prolly end up killing another 100 shrooms trying to get these.
Report Bad Commentthey dont drop them
where do u find it!!!!!??????
iv given this guy the 20 things 3 times already and im geting mad. i dont have speakers so i cant lisen to the sound, is there a sertin amount of times i can click the butten so i can just get it right like a algerithm or something:(
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