 Triple throw [Master Level : 20] Attacks monsters by throwing 3 stars at once.
Level 1: MP -11, Damage 102%
Level 2: MP -11, Damage 104%
Level 3: MP -12, Damage 106%
Level 4: MP -12, Damage 108%
Level 5: MP -13, Damage 110%
Level 6: MP -13, Damage 112%
Level 7: MP -14, Damage 114%
Level 8: MP -14, Damage 116%
Level 9: MP -15, Damage 118%
Level 10: MP -15, Damage 120%
Level 11: MP -16, Damage 122%
Level 12: MP -16, Damage 124%
Level 13: MP -17, Damage 126%
Level 14: MP -17, Damage 128%
Level 15: MP -18, Damage 130%
Level 16: MP -18, Damage 132%
Level 17: MP -19, Damage 134%
Level 18: MP -19, Damage 136%
Level 19: MP -20, Damage 138%
Level 20: MP -20, Damage 140%
 Poison Bomb [Master Level : 30] Throws a bomb that generates a poisonous cloud. Monsters within the range of the poisonous cloud will continuously incur damage.
Level 1: MP -21 , Damage 104%, last for 4 sec. at 51% Rate.
Level 2: MP -21 , Damage 108%, last for 4 sec. at 52% Rate.
Level 3: MP -22 , Damage 112%, last for 4 sec. at 53% Rate.
Level 4: MP -22 , Damage 116%, last for 8 sec. at 54% Rate.
Level 5: MP -23 , Damage 120%, last for 8 sec. at 55% Rate.
Level 6: MP -23 , Damage 124%, last for 8 sec. at 56% Rate.
Level 7: MP -24 , Damage 128%, last for 12 sec. at 57% Rate.
Level 8: MP -24 , Damage 132%, last for 12 sec. at 58% Rate.
Level 9: MP -25 , Damage 136%, last for 12 sec. at 59% Rate.
Level 10: MP -25 , Damage 140%, last for 16 sec. at 60% Rate.
Level 11: MP -26 , Damage 144%, last for 16 sec. at 61% Rate.
Level 12: MP -26 , Damage 148%, last for 16 sec. at 62% Rate.
Level 13: MP -27 , Damage 152%, last for 20 sec. at 63% Rate.
Level 14: MP -27 , Damage 156%, last for 20 sec. at 64% Rate.
Level 15: MP -28 , Damage 160%, last for 20 sec. at 65% Rate.
Level 16: MP -28 , Damage 164%, last for 24 sec. at 66% Rate.
Level 17: MP -29 , Damage 168%, last for 24 sec. at 67% Rate.
Level 18: MP -29 , Damage 172%, last for 24 sec. at 68% Rate.
Level 19: MP -30 , Damage 176%, last for 28 sec. at 69% Rate.
Level 20: MP -30 , Damage 180%, last for 28 sec. at 70% Rate.
Level 21: MP -31 , Damage 184%, last for 28 sec. at 71% Rate.
Level 22: MP -31 , Damage 188%, last for 32 sec. at 72% Rate.
Level 23: MP -32 , Damage 192%, last for 32 sec. at 73% Rate.
Level 24: MP -32 , Damage 196%, last for 32 sec. at 74% Rate.
Level 25: MP -33 , Damage 200%, last for 36 sec. at 75% Rate.
Level 26: MP -33 , Damage 204%, last for 36 sec. at 76% Rate.
Level 27: MP -34 , Damage 208%, last for 36 sec. at 77% Rate.
Level 28: MP -34 , Damage 212%, last for 40 sec. at 78% Rate.
Level 29: MP -35 , Damage 216%, last for 40 sec. at 79% Rate.
Level 30: MP -35 , Damage 220%, last for 40 sec. at 80% Rate.
 Shadow Partner [Master Level : 30] Summons a shadow, which repeats the character’s every move, for a given duration. It has no special strength.
Level 1: MP - 200, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 60 sec., Attack 20%, Skill 21%
Level 2: MP - 195, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 60 sec., Attack 24%, Skill 21%
Level 3: MP - 190, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 60 sec., Attack 28%, Skill 21%
Level 4: MP - 185, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 60 sec., Attack 31%, Skill 21%
Level 5: MP - 180, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 60 sec., Attack 34%, Skill 21%
Level 6: MP - 175, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 60 sec., Attack 37%, Skill 21%
Level 7: MP - 170, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 60 sec., Attack 40%, Skill 21%
Level 8: MP - 165, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 60 sec., Attack 43%, Skill 22%
Level 9: MP - 160, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 60 sec., Attack 46%, Skill 23%
Level 10: MP - 155, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 60 sec., Attack 49%, Skill 24%
Level 11: MP - 150, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 120 sec., Attack 52%, Skill 25%
Level 12: MP - 145, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 120 sec., Attack 54%, Skill 26%
Level 13: MP - 140, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 120 sec., Attack 56%, Skill 27%
Level 14: MP - 135, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 120 sec., Attack 58%, Skill 28%
Level 15: MP - 130, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 120 sec., Attack 60%, Skill 29%
Level 16: MP - 125, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 120 sec., Attack 62%, Skill 30%
Level 17: MP - 120, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 120 sec., Attack 64%, Skill 31%
Level 18: MP - 115, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 120 sec., Attack 66%, Skill 32%
Level 19: MP - 110, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 120 sec., Attack 68%, Skill 33%
Level 20: MP - 105, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 120 sec., Attack 70%, Skill 34%
Level 21: MP - 100, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 180 sec., Attack 71%, Skill 35%
Level 22: MP - 95, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 180 sec., Attack 72%, Skill 36%
Level 23: MP - 90, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 180 sec., Attack 73%, Skill 37%
Level 24: MP - 85, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 180 sec., Attack 74%, Skill 38%
Level 25: MP - 80, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 180 sec., Attack 75%, Skill 40%
Level 26: MP - 75, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 180 sec., Attack 76%, Skill 42%
Level 27: MP - 70, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 180 sec., Attack 77%, Skill 44%
Level 28: MP - 65, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 180 sec., Attack 78%, Skill 46%
Level 29: MP - 60, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 180 sec., Attack 79%, Skill 48%
Level 30: MP - 55, 1 Summoning Rock; Summon for 180 sec., Attack 80%, Skill 50%
 Shadow Web [Master Level : 20] Makes a spider web of the character’s shadow, and holds up to 6 enemies in one spot at once. Mobility of the monsters caught in the spider web will be disabled.
Level 1: MP - 10; For 5 sec., holds the enemies with 42% success rate
Level 2: MP - 10; For 5 sec., holds the enemies with 44% success rate
Level 3: MP - 10; For 5 sec., holds the enemies with 46% success rate
Level 4: MP - 10; For 5 sec., holds the enemies with 48% success rate
Level 5: MP - 10; For 5 sec., holds the enemies with 50% success rate
Level 6: MP - 14; For 6 sec., holds the enemies with 52% success rate
Level 7: MP - 14; For 6 sec., holds the enemies with 54% success rate
Level 8: MP - 14; For 6 sec., holds the enemies with 56% success rate
Level 9: MP - 14; For 6 sec., holds the enemies with 58% success rate
Level 10: MP - 14; For 6 sec., holds the enemies with 60% success rate
Level 11: MP - 18; For 7 sec., holds the enemies with 62% success rate
Level 12: MP - 18; For 7 sec., holds the enemies with 64% success rate
Level 13: MP - 18; For 7 sec., holds the enemies with 66% success rate
Level 14: MP - 18; For 7 sec., holds the enemies with 68% success rate
Level 15: MP - 18; For 7 sec., holds the enemies with 70% success rate
Level 16: MP - 22; For 8 sec., holds the enemies with 72% success rate
Level 17: MP - 22; For 8 sec., holds the enemies with 74% success rate
Level 18: MP - 22; For 8 sec., holds the enemies with 76% success rate
Level 19: MP - 22; For 8 sec., holds the enemies with 78% success rate
Level 20: MP - 22; For 8 sec., holds the enemies with 80% success rate
 Avenger [Master Level : 30] Uses MP to make an enormous Throwing Star for attack. The Throwing Star will penetrate the enemy, and attack the ones behind it, too.
Level 1: MP - 16; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 4 enemies, Damage 65%
Level 2: MP - 16; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 4 enemies, Damage 70%
Level 3: MP - 16; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 4 enemies, Damage 75%
Level 4: MP - 16; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 4 enemies, Damage 80%
Level 5: MP - 16; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 4 enemies, Damage 85%
Level 6: MP - 16; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 4 enemies, Damage 90%
Level 7: MP - 16; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 4 enemies, Damage 95%
Level 8: MP - 16; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 4 enemies, Damage 100%
Level 9: MP - 16; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 4 enemies, Damage 105%
Level 10: MP - 16; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 4 enemies, Damage 110%
Level 11: MP - 23; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 5 enemies, Damage 114%
Level 12: MP - 23; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 5 enemies, Damage 118%
Level 13: MP - 23; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 5 enemies, Damage 122%
Level 14: MP - 23; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 5 enemies, Damage 126%
Level 15: MP - 23; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 5 enemies, Damage 130%
Level 16: MP - 23; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 5 enemies, Damage 134%
Level 17: MP - 23; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 5 enemies, Damage 138%
Level 18: MP - 23; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 5 enemies, Damage 142%
Level 19: MP - 23; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 5 enemies, Damage 146%
Level 20: MP - 23; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 5 enemies, Damage 150%
Level 21: MP - 30; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 6 enemies, Damage 153%
Level 22: MP - 30; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 6 enemies, Damage 156%
Level 23: MP - 30; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 6 enemies, Damage 159%
Level 24: MP - 30; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 6 enemies, Damage 162%
Level 25: MP - 30; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 6 enemies, Damage 165%
Level 26: MP - 30; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 6 enemies, Damage 168%
Level 27: MP - 30; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 6 enemies, Damage 171%
Level 28: MP - 30; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 6 enemies, Damage 174%
Level 29: MP - 30; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 6 enemies, Damage 177%
Level 30: MP - 30; Uses 3 Throwing Stars to attack up to 6 enemies, Damage 180%
 Alchemist [Master Level : 20] Enhances the effects of recovery items including potions or lengthens the duration of items applied to the status of the character, with an exception of recovery items such as the Elixir that provide recovery based on %.
Level 1: Recovery rate 103%, Duration of Effect 103%
Level 2: Recovery rate 106%, Duration of Effect 106%
Level 3: Recovery rate 109%, Duration of Effect 109%
Level 4: Recovery rate 112%, Duration of Effect 112%
Level 5: Recovery rate 115%, Duration of Effect 115%
Level 6: Recovery rate 118%, Duration of Effect 118%
Level 7: Recovery rate 121%, Duration of Effect 121%
Level 8: Recovery rate 124%, Duration of Effect 124%
Level 9: Recovery rate 127%, Duration of Effect 127%
Level 10: Recovery rate 130%, Duration of Effect 130%
Level 11: Recovery rate 132%, Duration of Effect 132%
Level 12: Recovery rate 134%, Duration of Effect 134%
Level 13: Recovery rate 136%, Duration of Effect 136%
Level 14: Recovery rate 138%, Duration of Effect 138%
Level 15: Recovery rate 140%, Duration of Effect 140%
Level 16: Recovery rate 142%, Duration of Effect 142%
Level 17: Recovery rate 144%, Duration of Effect 144%
Level 18: Recovery rate 146%, Duration of Effect 146%
Level 19: Recovery rate 148%, Duration of Effect 148%
Level 20: Recovery rate 150%, Duration of Effect 150%
 Venom [Master Level : 20] Throws a poisonous Throwing Star. Monsters that have been struck will be poisoned according to the pre-established success rate. It can be used against one monster up to 3 times during which the monster's HP will not go any lower than 1.
Level 1: Attack 31, for 2secs, Success rate 11%
Level 2: Attack 32, for 2secs, Success rate 12%
Level 3: Attack 33, for 2secs, Success rate 13%
Level 4: Attack 34, for 2secs, Success rate 14%
Level 5: Attack 35, for 2secs, Success rate 15%
Level 6: Attack 36, for 2secs, Success rate 16%
Level 7: Attack 37, for 2secs, Success rate 17%
Level 8: Attack 38, for 2secs, Success rate 18%
Level 9: Attack 39, for 2secs, Success rate 19%
Level 10: Attack 40, for 2secs, Success rate 20%
Level 11: Attack 41, for 3secs, Success rate 21%
Level 12: Attack 42, for 3secs, Success rate 22%
Level 13: Attack 43, for 3secs, Success rate 23%
Level 14: Attack 44, for 3secs, Success rate 24%
Level 15: Attack 45, for 3secs, Success rate 25%
Level 16: Attack 46, for 3secs, Success rate 26%
Level 17: Attack 47, for 3secs, Success rate 27%
Level 18: Attack 48, for 3secs, Success rate 28%
Level 19: Attack 49, for 3secs, Success rate 29%
Level 20: Attack 50, for 3secs, Success rate 30%