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4th job pirate gunner=Outcaster

Author: brakid
Type: Preview
Views: 12234
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Author: flyhigh

Date: December 9th, 2007
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QUOTE(ƒlash® @ Nov 11 2007, 01:34 PM) 4th Job Infighterwhoa... did that infighter just turn super saiyan?? O_O

Author: Lumineux

Date: December 8th, 2007
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Almost everyone will create a Gunslinger regardless of if they have good damage or not.

Author: Asterisk

Date: November 23rd, 2007
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I don't think either of them are very impressive. I'd rather get a bandit than an infighter, and gunslingers are basically a mix between other classes and doesn't seem to be that good in general.Unless they're beefed up a bit, I wouldn't touch them.

Author: silverquiver

Date: November 22nd, 2007
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I don't think these classes are for those who want nothing but power and leveling, they just have good skills and look good.

Author: TehIceShredder

Date: November 14th, 2007
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QUOTE(YoSin1 @ Nov 13 2007, 07:22 PM) Infighters are decent and unique.As for Gunners... most of the snipers and rangers---- will be disappointing for them...Oh, sure, I can't wait to see all the infighters with names "xXVegetaXx" Or something like that.

Author: Blade Oracle

Date: November 14th, 2007
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Good lord and I though 1H BW was short range, although yes I know knuckles are used in hand to hand...I wonder how much HP an infighter has...

Author: YoSin1

Date: November 14th, 2007
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Infighters are decent and unique.As for Gunners... most of the snipers and rangers---- will be disappointing for them...

Author: ƒlash®

Date: November 11th, 2007
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4th Job Infighter

Author: Hentai

Date: November 10th, 2007
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What they lack in speed and damage, they make up for field advantage.It's way to early to judge gunslingers though, however, if I imagine one in a DT map then I'll be impressed. Imagine a turret skill in one platform, stand still and do the bird AoE attack, as well as freeze and actually use booster. That's 3 major field advantage skills in one character. When I first saw Gun type weapons, I knew they weren't built for damage because their average weapon attack was about 4 below normal. You draw to conclusions as fast as we do. Nexon (Wizet, whatever) had to have made a class with a strong point. Why would they waste their time with a class with no strength whatsoever?

Author: Pspfreak11

Date: November 8th, 2007
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I still say they aren't that good. Look at her killing speed. If you showed me a video of someone with actual skill, I'd be impressed, but this just makes me think less of them. All I've seen so far is videos like these, even 4th job infighter, of good skills, but VERY bad movement as their job. It discusses me to see people go wow over their terrible skill(even though they only look at the video to see skills). You guys draw conclusions too fast. They don't have speed, critical, or very fast killing speed. Making it basicly a slow hermit/Not strong bowman/summoner.

Author: Shuck

Date: November 8th, 2007
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I'm wondering why most people don't know it's in beta, which is in testing Who knows if Gunslingers will get critical too ya know @_@

Author: iBev

Date: November 6th, 2007
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The ship skill was so cute

Author: silverquiver

Date: November 6th, 2007
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QUOTE(dthvirus @ Nov 5 2007, 11:48 AM) Not bad. The pirate ship is so awesome . It looks like it has a huge cooldown between attacks though.Funny, I was browsing YouTube, and the ayumilove person (she released several Pirate videos) has this in her profile:QUOTE■ Updates 4 ■An exclusive video will be uploaded to my channel when I reach +2000 subscribers ^^The video will a special 5th job skill inMapleStory. (Currently Beta Testing) Probably a ploy to get more subscribers .Or she could be referring to the level 200 skills.

Author: dthvirus

Date: November 5th, 2007
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Not bad. The pirate ship is so awesome . It looks like it has a huge cooldown between attacks though.Funny, I was browsing YouTube, and the ayumilove person (she released several Pirate videos) has this in her profile:QUOTE■ Updates 4 ■An exclusive video will be uploaded to my channel when I reach +2000 subscribers ^^The video will a special 5th job skill inMapleStory. (Currently Beta Testing) Probably a ploy to get more subscribers .

Author: mekeo

Date: November 5th, 2007
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infighter 4th job looked cooler to me, its got a like super saiyan looking powerup thingy

Author: DopeNikes

Date: November 5th, 2007
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Gunslingers hermits without crit

Author: Tara

Date: November 5th, 2007
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LOL the skill with the little ship looks fun. :3

Author: Miyakazumi

Date: November 5th, 2007
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Oh may I interlude,Underestimated, yes.

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