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Ayumilove Special: 5th Job Magician Skill (+2000 subscriber)

Author: ayumilove
Type: Fan Video
Views: 12584
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Author: ColinPunk

Date: January 2nd, 2008
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If that was real I would train my Wizard and not stop..I stop playing my Wizard on Scan because it got boring.

Author: Gintama

Date: December 26th, 2007
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A skill that deals damage based on HP and INT? Sounds interesting...I bet it would make HP scrolls and equipment much more valuable.

Author: teddochi

Date: December 26th, 2007
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Wouldnt that be like perfect for vaccers? Then again, if you cant go past level 200 it wont really matter x.x

Author: Kyuumi

Date: December 13th, 2007
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Very nicely made, too bad it is fake though.She would have made it more convincing if the character blinked and it faded slowly.

Author: spideyjvc

Date: December 12th, 2007
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QUOTE(MAFIAMAN @ Dec 11 2007, 11:09 PM) hmmm maybe be for sins other cojured ninjas could disperse the map and just throw stars randomly? 1000 w.atk 100 mp. rawr more sin power!!lol 1000 m.att =/= 1000 att, 1000 att is like 8000 m.att >But then again why not just give every class an attack that does 99,999 damage to like all monsters on the screen every 5 seconds for like 1 minute that can be re-casted every 5 minutes and has a max level of 1 And for mage skills it will have both our elements, but not like comp where if there's a monster weak to the element it's .25 damage boost, it'll be a full .50 boostI/L- Typhon Apollumi (explained earlier map color scheme changes to dark blue)F/P- Toxon Telos(engulfs whole map with red poisonous clouds that randomly explode, map color scheme changes to dark red)Bishop- Candidus Eterna (map color scheme changes to a way lighter shading, rays of light randomly shoot down like genesis onto monsters)Bowmaster- Sagitta Regno (arrows randomly rain down, super arrow rain if you wanna put it that way)Crossbow master- Caelestis Doleo (Same as bowmaster but arrows shoot from ground)I'd make more but too tired

Author: Maestar

Date: December 12th, 2007
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I lol'd at everyone who thought this was real


Date: December 12th, 2007
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hmmm maybe be for sins other cojured ninjas could disperse the map and just throw stars randomly? 1000 w.atk 100 mp. rawr more sin power!!

Author: spideyjvc

Date: December 9th, 2007
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That'd be a cool skill I guess, but by 5th job I don't think it matters much o_oI can imagine another 5th job skill for i/l mages;Thunderstorm-Strikes the area continuously for 5 minutes with lightning, attacking 15 monsters every 5 seconds (attacks whole map lol)1000 magic attack 100 MP usage What? Every class should have 1 overpowered skill in 5th job lol

Author: melaii

Date: December 2nd, 2007
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Wohoo Veteran status.

Author: vegetoo

Date: December 2nd, 2007
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You can actually tell its fake cause the poster of the vid, ayumilove said so in the comment of the video..."I have kept my promise, and created a video about 5th Job Skill. This future skill is for (what-if) there is 5th job for magician?"If you dig far enough, you get the details ^^So, yeah, it IS fake, and it was MEANT to BE fake =) But still is a coll vid.

Author: Dark Link

Date: December 2nd, 2007
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If it was real, it'd be weird having a 5th job skill use the mana reflection animation for the first part of the skill >_>

Author: Lingy

Date: December 2nd, 2007
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Aside from the part where it deals damage, the effects are very well made. I would have probably believed it was real if the damage dealing part and the viking dying were a bit more realistic.

Author: melaii

Date: December 2nd, 2007
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I never made this thread to subjugate the video to its authenticity. Ayumilove simply stated that when she reaches 2,000 subscribers, she would release a lvl200 / 5th job skill. Weather or not its if fake or real. =3

Author: flyhigh

Date: December 2nd, 2007
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u can tell that its fakewen monsters die, they dont just disspear instantlythey slowly fade'

Author: IAreJay

Date: December 1st, 2007
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I lol'd that is poorly made, although that ayumilove usually has good solid videos..

Author: Soaa-

Date: December 1st, 2007
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This is fake, and you can see that from the poster's comments.

Author: Nel

Date: December 1st, 2007
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Does not look real. The orbs that circle the mage is the same ones that 2nd job use, Lightning, looks quite similar to me.. the mage's name is not even there mid way thru.. eyes aren't even blinking lol/endpost

Author: Tara

Date: December 1st, 2007
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Judging from how the numbers came up from her hitting the viking...I doubt it's real.You do get extra skills after 200 but 5th job isn't out yet.

Author: ZarakiKenpachi

Date: December 1st, 2007
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That's crazy,too bad it's only one skill

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