Update: The equipment database has been updated! If you see any bugs, please
email us!
Displaying 1-1 of 1 monsters.
Monsters First [1-1]
Level 25 |
HP 550 |
Speed 0 |
EXP 42 |
MP 20 |
Knockback 30 |

Green Umbrella Required Stats LEVEL: 8 STR: 0 DEX: 0 INT: 0 LUK: 10 FAME: 0
Pan Lid Required Stats LEVEL: 10 STR: 0 DEX: 0 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Blue Whitebottom Boots Required Stats LEVEL: 26 STR: 0 DEX: 0 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Red Kendo Robe Required Stats LEVEL: 20 STR: 65 DEX: 0 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Red Engrit Required Stats LEVEL: 30 STR: 100 DEX: 0 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Mithril Wand Required Stats LEVEL: 28 STR: 0 DEX: 0 INT: 85 LUK: 30 FAME: 0
Ryden Required Stats LEVEL: 30 STR: 35 DEX: 95 INT: 0 LUK: 0 FAME: 0
Bronze Mischief Required Stats LEVEL: 20 STR: 0 DEX: 40 INT: 0 LUK: 50 FAME: 0
Blue Guise Required Stats LEVEL: 30 STR: 0 DEX: 60 INT: 0 LUK: 80 FAME: 0
Bronze Arrow for Bow
Fish Cake(skewer)
Mana Elixir
30% Dark Scroll for Helmet for DEF
30% Dark scroll for Shoes for Jump
Mokbi Throwing-Stars
One-Handed Blunt Weapon Forging Stimulator
Two-Handed Axe Forging Stimulator
Two-Handed Sword Forging Stimulator
Crow Feather
Topaz Ore
Bronze Ore
Weapon Attack 90 |
Magic Attack 0 |
Accuracy 50 |
Weapon Defense 30 |
Magic Defense 30 |
Avoidability 10 |
Mesos |
HP Recovery 0 |
MP Recovery 0 |
Weak Against
Strong Against

Displaying 1-1 of 1 monsters.
First [1-1]
I've gotten 2x Pan lid, 2x Red Engrit, 1x Mithril Wand, 3x Ryden! 2x Blue Guise and about 3000 crow feathers (4500++ crows killed) from these... That proves the drop rate of some of these items i guess... ;)
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