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Agent E

Found In: Ariant, El Nath, Ellinia, Henesys, Herb Town, Kerning City, Korean Folk Town, Leafre, Lith Harbor, Magatia, Mu Lung, Nautilus Harbor, Omega Sector, Perion, Sleepywood
Begins Quests: Today's Mission!, Special Order: Find Master M's Orders!, Special Order: Find Master M's Orders!, Special Order: Find Master M's Orders!, Obtain the Special Agent Badge!, 우수요원뱃지를 획득하라!, 요원특별강화프로그램에 참여하라!, Earn 50 points on the Speed Quiz!, Invade the Watermelon Field!, Help Agent E!
Involved In: Special Order: Find Master M's Orders!, Special Order: Find Master M's Orders!, Special Order: Find Master M's Orders!, Obtain the Special Agent Badge!, 우수요원뱃지를 획득하라!, 요원특별강화프로그램에 참여하라!, Earn 50 points on the Speed Quiz!, Invade the Watermelon Field!, Help Agent E!

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Blue King Goblin

Found In: Goblin House
Begins Quests: What the Blue King Goblin Wants
Involved In: What the Blue King Goblin Wants

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Bung's Mama

Found In: Korean Folk Town

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Found In: Ariant, CBD, Crossroads of Ereve, El Nath, Ellinia, Henesys, Herb Town, Kerning City, Korean Folk Town, Leafre, Lith Harbor, Ludibrium, Magatia, Mid Floor - Hallway, Mu Lung, Mushroom Shrine, New Leaf City - Town Center, Omega Sector, Orbis, Perion, Rien, Sleepywood, The Center Hall, Trend Zone Metropolis
Begins Quests: 카산드라의 부탁, Cassandra's Analysis, Gaga's Analysis, Gaga's Analysis, Gaga's Analysis, 스피드 퀴즈, Starlight Festival, Spirit Week Event - Cassandra's Candle , Spirit Week Event - Cassandra's Candle , Spirit Week Event - Cassandra's Candle , Spirit Week Event - Cassandra's Candle , Spirit Week Event - Cassandra's Candle , Spirit Week Event - Cassandra's Candle , Spirit Week Event - Cassandra's Candle , Spirit Week Event - Cassandra's Candle , Spirit Week Event - Cassandra's Candle , Spirit Week Event - Cassandra's Candle , Endless Journey Medal, The 2009 Winter King / Winter Queen Event!, The True Winter King / Winter Queen Event of 2009!, 궁수학교 입학통지서, 수박이 먹고 싶은 밍밍부인, 전사학교 입학통지서, Cassandra's Latest Information, 마법사학교 입학통지서, 베티의 봄꽃연구1, 베티의 봄꽃연구2, 베티의 봄꽃연구3, 외로운 에스텔, 새마음 새출발, 도적학교 입학통지서, 그는 아직 그 자리에 있다, 그는 아직 그 자리에 있다 , 리사의 봄꽃연구1, 리사의 봄꽃연구2, 리사의 봄꽃연구3, 켄타의 부탁, 박첨지의 수박 되찾기, 콩쥐의 봄꽃연구1, 콩쥐의 봄꽃연구2, 콩쥐의 봄꽃연구3, 새마음 새출발!, 햇님이에게 선물을, 촌장 타타모의 봄꽃연구1, 촌장 타타모의 봄꽃연구2, 촌장 타타모의 봄꽃연구3, 새마음 새출발!!, 카산드라의 건망증, 키니의 봄꽃연구1, 키니의 봄꽃연구2, 키니의 봄꽃연구3, 카산드라의 진심은?!, 외로운 가가, Cassandra's Album, The Wolf In Waiting, Signs of the Revival, 정해년맞이 돼지변신, 시원한 수박, 카산드라의 휴대폰, 카산드라의 도움, Surprise Event : Special Alphabets, 카산드라의 메이플 스카프, 카산드라의 특별한 선물, Book of Cygnus Vol. 1, Book of Cygnus Vol. 2, Book of Cygnus Vol. 3, Pendant of the Spirit, New Year's Presents from Cassandra, Gold Richie's Compass, 카산드라의 봄꽃축제, 카산드라의 봄꽃축제, 순결한 향수 만들기1, 순결한 향수 만들기2, 순결한 향수 만들기3, 순결한 향수 만들기4, 숨어있는 몬스터 퇴치, 숨어있는 몬스터 퇴치, 숨어있는 몬스터 퇴치, 숨어있는 몬스터 퇴치, 메이플 6주년 파티준비, 메이플 6주년 파티준비!, 메이플 6주년 파티준비!!, 메이플 6주년 파티준비!!!, 메이플 6주년 축하해, 메이플 6주년 축하해!, 메이플 6주년 축하해!!, 메이플 6주년 축하해!!!, 인기 몬스터의 초상화 : 주황버섯, 인기 몬스터의 초상화 : 옥토퍼스, 인기 몬스터의 초상화 : 예티, The Return!, Aran's Revival, Vague Aran Memories, Dim Aran Memories, Faint Aran Memories, Cloudy Aran Memories, Preparing for the Arrival, Lingering Aran Memories, The Hero's Memory, Flickering Aran Memories, The Truth About Memory Fragments, Delivering Cassandra's Album, Spirit Week Event - September 29th, Spirit Week Event - October 6th, Spirit Week Event - October 13th, Spirit Week Event - October 20th, Spirit Week Event - September 24th, Spirit Week Event - October 1st, Spirit Week Event - October 8th, Spirit Week Event - October 15th, Spirit Week Event - October 27th, Spirit Week Event - October 22nd, Spirit Week Event - September 28th, Spirit Week Event - October 5th, Spirit Week Event - October 12th, Spirit Week Event - October 19th, Spirit Week Event - October 26th, Cassandra's Trick or Treat, Cassandra's Trick or Treat, Cassandra's Trick or Treat, 달을 부르는 자:월묘의 떡, 협동하는 법:첫번째 동행, 수정구의 균열:차원의 균열, 여신의 슬픔을 위로할 자:여신의 흔적, 카산드라의 복수:해적 데비존 , 황금돼지를 잡아라!, 카산드라의 황금돼지, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 6일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 13일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 20일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 27일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 1일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 8일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 15일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 22일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 29일, Help out Gordon!, Help out Gordon!!, Help out Gordon!!!, 카산드라의 자장면, 카산드라가 만든 자장면, 카산드라의 솔로를 위한 자장면, 어린이들을 위한 몬스터 퇴치, 카산드라의 첫번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 두번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 세번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 네번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 다섯번째 퀴즈! , 카산드라의 여섯번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 일곱번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 여덟번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 아홉번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 열번째 퀴즈!, 서쪽바다 갈림길, 오래된 깃발에 담긴 것, 오래된 깃발에 담긴 것 , 조각난 주문서, 가면신사의 초대, 끝나지 않은 파티, 해적 레벨업 이벤트 , ...Pirates!?, 거대 눈사람의 습격, 카산드라의 새해선물, 새해 운세보기, 화이트 마우스 머리띠, 화이트 마우스 분장, 페티트의 수리부품, 카산드라의 어린이날선물, Putting the Maple Leaf in my mouth..., Making Maple Syrup, Cassandra's Gift, Find the Master of Combos, 2009 Pink Flower Floatie!, Holiday Bingo, Holiday Bingo, Holiday Bingo, Holiday Bingo, Holiday Bingo, Aran Welcome Celebration, To Fool a Liar, To Fool a Liar, To Fool a Liar
Involved In: 카산드라의 도움, Surprise Event : Special Alphabets, 카산드라의 메이플 스카프, 카산드라의 특별한 선물, Book of Cygnus Vol. 1, Book of Cygnus Vol. 2, Book of Cygnus Vol. 3, Pendant of the Spirit, New Year's Presents from Cassandra, Gold Richie's Compass, 카산드라의 봄꽃축제, 카산드라의 봄꽃축제, 순결한 향수 만들기1, 순결한 향수 만들기2, 순결한 향수 만들기3, 순결한 향수 만들기4, 숨어있는 몬스터 퇴치, 숨어있는 몬스터 퇴치, 숨어있는 몬스터 퇴치, 숨어있는 몬스터 퇴치, 메이플 6주년 파티준비, 메이플 6주년 파티준비!, 메이플 6주년 파티준비!!, 메이플 6주년 파티준비!!!, 메이플 6주년 축하해, 메이플 6주년 축하해!, 메이플 6주년 축하해!!, 메이플 6주년 축하해!!!, 인기 몬스터의 초상화 : 주황버섯, 인기 몬스터의 초상화 : 옥토퍼스, 인기 몬스터의 초상화 : 예티, Cassandra's Crystal Ball, The Return!, Aran's Revival, Vague Aran Memories, Dim Aran Memories, Faint Aran Memories, Cloudy Aran Memories, Preparing for the Arrival, Lingering Aran Memories, The Hero's Memory, Flickering Aran Memories, The Truth About Memory Fragments, Delivering Cassandra's Album, Spirit Week Event - September 29th, Spirit Week Event - October 6th, Spirit Week Event - October 13th, Spirit Week Event - October 20th, Spirit Week Event - September 24th, Spirit Week Event - October 1st, Spirit Week Event - October 8th, Spirit Week Event - October 15th, Spirit Week Event - October 27th, Spirit Week Event - October 22nd, Spirit Week Event - September 28th, Spirit Week Event - October 5th, Spirit Week Event - October 12th, Spirit Week Event - October 19th, Spirit Week Event - October 26th, Cassandra's Trick or Treat, Cassandra's Trick or Treat, Cassandra's Trick or Treat, 달을 부르는 자:월묘의 떡, 협동하는 법:첫번째 동행, 수정구의 균열:차원의 균열, 여신의 슬픔을 위로할 자:여신의 흔적, 카산드라의 복수:해적 데비존 , 황금돼지를 잡아라!, 카산드라의 황금돼지, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 6일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 13일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 20일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 27일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 1일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 8일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 15일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 22일, 매일매일 이벤트 3월 29일, Help out Gordon!, Help out Gordon!!, Help out Gordon!!!, 카산드라의 자장면, 카산드라가 만든 자장면, 카산드라의 솔로를 위한 자장면, 어린이들을 위한 몬스터 퇴치, 카산드라의 첫번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 두번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 세번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 네번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 다섯번째 퀴즈! , 카산드라의 여섯번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 일곱번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 여덟번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 아홉번째 퀴즈!, 카산드라의 열번째 퀴즈!, 서쪽바다 갈림길, 오래된 깃발에 담긴 것, 오래된 깃발에 담긴 것 , 조각난 주문서, 가면신사의 초대, 끝나지 않은 파티, 해적 레벨업 이벤트 , ...Pirates!?, 거대 눈사람의 습격, 카산드라의 새해선물, 새해 운세보기, 화이트 마우스 머리띠, 화이트 마우스 분장, 페티트의 수리부품, 카산드라의 어린이날선물, Putting the Maple Leaf in my mouth..., Making Maple Syrup, Cassandra's Gift, Find the Master of Combos, 2009 Pink Flower Floatie!, Holiday Bingo, Holiday Bingo, Holiday Bingo, Holiday Bingo, Holiday Bingo, Aran Welcome Celebration

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Chil Nam

Found In: Korean Folk Town
Begins Quests: Chil Nam's Buckwheat Paste, The Storybook on Brotherly Love, The Brothers' Stack of Rice 2, The Brothers' Stack of Rice 4
Involved In: Brotherly Love, Chil Nam's Buckwheat Paste, Young Man Possessed by a Fox, Retrieve a Soul

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Chil Nam's Rice Stacks

Found In: Korean Folk Town
Involved In: The Brothers' Stack of Rice 1, The Brothers' Stack of Rice 3

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Chil Sung

Found In: Korean Folk Town
Begins Quests: Brotherly Love, Young Man Possessed by a Fox, Retrieve a Soul, Chil Sung's Roasted Pork, Chil Sung's Request, The Brothers' Stack of Rice 1, The Brothers' Stack of Rice 3
Involved In: Chil Sung's Roasted Pork, The Storybook on Brotherly Love, Chil Sung's Request

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Chil Sung's Rice Stacks

Found In: Korean Folk Town
Involved In: The Brothers' Stack of Rice 2, The Brothers' Stack of Rice 4

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Found In: Korean Folk Town
Begins Quests: Preparing to Eliminate Goblins, Eliminate Goblins, Tiger-Hunting, The Storybook on the Goblin Story, The Fox Hunt, 호랑이 사냥
Involved In: Preparing to Eliminate Goblins, Eliminate Goblins, Tiger-Hunting, The Storybook on the Goblin Story, The Fox Hunt, 호랑이 사냥, 박첨지의 차례상, 박첨지의 수박 되찾기

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Found In: Aquarium, Ariant, El Nath, Ellinia, Henesys Park, Herb Town, Kerning City, Korean Folk Town, Leafre, Lith Harbor, Ludibrium, Magatia, Mu Lung, Nautilus Harbor, Omega Sector, Orbis, Perion, Sleepywood
Begins Quests: Title Challenge - PQ Mania, Title Challenge - Quest Specialist, Title Challenge - Celebrity!, Title Challenge - Diligent Explorer, Title Challenge - Ultimate Warrior, Title Challenge - Ultimate Magician, Title Challenge - Ultimate Archer, Title Challenge - Ultimate Thief, Title Challenge - Ultimate Pirate, Title Challenge - Veteran Hunter, Title Challenge - Maple Idol Star, Title Challenge - Horned Tail Slayer, Title Challenge - Pink Bean Slayer, Title Challenge - Donation King, Wonderful Pet Owner, Outstanding Citizen, Persevering Challenger, Monster Expert, Beginner Adventurer, Junior Adventurer, Veteran Adventurer, Master Adventurer
Involved In: Title Challenge - PQ Mania, Title Challenge - Quest Specialist, Title Challenge - Celebrity!, Title Challenge - Diligent Explorer, One Who's Touched the Sky, Beginner Explorer, El Nath Mts. Explorer, Ludus Lake Explorer, Undersea Explorer, Mu Lung Explorer, Nihal Desert Explorer, Minar Forest Explorer, Ossyria Explorer, Maple Explorer, Sleepywood Explorer, Victoria Explorer, Title Challenge - Ultimate Warrior, Title Challenge - Ultimate Magician, Title Challenge - Ultimate Archer, Title Challenge - Ultimate Thief, Title Challenge - Ultimate Pirate, Title Challenge - Veteran Hunter, Title Challenge - Maple Idol Star, Title Challenge - Horned Tail Slayer, Title Challenge - Pink Bean Slayer, Title Challenge - Donation King, Wonderful Pet Owner, Outstanding Citizen, Persevering Challenger, Monster Expert, Beginner Adventurer, Junior Adventurer, Veteran Adventurer, Master Adventurer

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Donation Box

Found In: Aquarium, Ariant, El Nath, Ellinia, Henesys Park, Herb Town, Kerning City, Korean Folk Town, Leafre, Lith Harbor, Ludibrium, Magatia, Mu Lung, Nautilus Harbor, Omega Sector, Orbis, Perion, Sleepywood

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Found In: Korean Folk Town
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Found In: Ariant, Cassandra's Shore, Crossroads of Ereve, El Nath, Ellinia, Fairytale Land Entrance , Henesys, Herb Town, Kampung Village, Kerning City, Korean Folk Town, Leafre, Lith Harbor, Ludibrium, Magatia, Mu Lung, Omega Sector, Orbis, Perion, Sleepywood, The Center Hall, Trend Zone Metropolis
Begins Quests: 아기새를 부탁해, Gaga's Favorite Song, 가가의 푸념, Artifact Hunt 1000 points acquired!, Artifact Hunt 2500 points acquired!, Artifact Hunt 4000 points acquired!, Start the Artifact Hunt, 4 Candles, 4 Year Anniversary Cake, Gaga's Maple Leaf, Suspicious Offer?!, You are a True Special Agent!, Long and Dangerous Road of an Agent, Gaga's Analysis, Gaga's Analysis, Gaga's Analysis, Gaga's Analysis, 가가의 크리스마스 추억, 가가의 사랑 편지1, 가가의 사랑 편지2, 가가의 사랑 편지3, 가가의 사랑 편지4, Artifact Hunt Participation Prize, Delivering Cassandra's Album, 가가의 선물, Agent C's Intelligence Activity, Co-op with Special Agent O
Involved In: Suspicious Offer?!, You are a True Special Agent!, Long and Dangerous Road of an Agent, 카산드라의 진심은?!, Gaga's Analysis, Gaga's Analysis, Gaga's Analysis, Gaga's Analysis, 가가의 크리스마스 추억, 가가의 사랑 편지1, 가가의 사랑 편지2, 가가의 사랑 편지3, 가가의 사랑 편지4, Gaga's Glasses, Artifact Hunt Participation Prize, Delivering Cassandra's Album, 외로운 가가, 가가의 선물

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God of Mountains

Found In: A Small Well
Begins Quests: Judging the Axe, The Storybook on the Story of Axes, Fox's Threat, The Story of Axes, The Legendary Being's Scroll 1
Involved In: Judging the Axe, The Storybook on the Story of Axes, Fox's Threat, The Legendary Being's Scroll 3

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Grandma Yeon

Found In: Korean Folk Town
Begins Quests: Grandma Yeon's Pot, Secret Love Affair with Seal Meat, 연이 할머니의 항아리
Involved In: Tae Gong's Love For His Wife, Grandma Yeon's Pot, Secret Love Affair with Seal Meat, 태공의 아내사랑, 연이 할머니의 항아리, 새마음 새출발!

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Green King Goblin

Found In: Goblin House
Begins Quests: What the Green King Goblin Wants
Involved In: What the Green King Goblin Wants

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Found In: Korean Folk Town
Begins Quests: The Kids That Became the Sun and the Moon, The Storybook on The Kids That Became the Sun and the Moon storybook
Involved In: The Kids That Became the Sun and the Moon, The Storybook on The Kids That Became the Sun and the Moon storybook, 햇님이에게 선물을, 햇님이에게 선물을

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Found In: Korean Folk Town
Begins Quests: Opening Hongbu's Gourd, The Storybook on Hongbu and Nolbu (Hongbu)
Involved In: Opening Hongbu's Gourd

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Ice Piece

Found In: 50-Year-Old Herb Garden, Aquarium, Around the Pond, Henesys Hunting Ground I, Kerning City Construction Site, Kulan Field I, Lab - Center Gate, Ludibrium Village, Minar Forest : East Border, Outside East Entrance of Ariant, Snowy Hill, The Field Up North of Ellinia, The Road to Garden of 3 Colors, West Street Corner of Perion
Involved In: Signs of the Revival

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Kong Ji

Found In: Korean Folk Town
Begins Quests: Kong Ji's Rice Wine, Pot with a Hole, Extracting Artemesia, The Wooden Hoe That Snapped, The Storybook on Kong Ji and Pat Ji
Involved In: 콩쥐의 봄꽃연구1, 콩쥐의 봄꽃연구2, 콩쥐의 봄꽃연구3, Two Ways to Get to Korean Folk Town, Kong Ji's Rice Wine, Pot with a Hole, Extracting Artemesia, The Wooden Hoe That Snapped, The Storybook on Kong Ji and Pat Ji

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Korean Folk Town Maple TV

Found In: Korean Folk Town

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Found In: Korean Folk Town

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Mr. Noh

Found In: Korean Folk Town

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Mr. Shim

Found In: Korean Folk Town
Begins Quests: Mr. Shim's Request, The Storybook on Shim Chung
Involved In: Mr. Shim's Request, The Storybook on Shim Chung

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Found In: Korean Folk Town
Begins Quests: Opening Nolbu's Gourd, The Storybook on Hongbu and Nolbu (Nolbu)
Involved In: Opening Nolbu's Gourd, The Storybook on Hongbu and Nolbu (Nolbu)

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Found In: Ariant, CBD, Crossroads of Ereve, El Nath, Ellinia, Henesys, Herb Town, Kerning City, Korean Folk Town, Leafre, Lith Harbor, Ludibrium, Magatia, Mu Lung, Mushroom Shrine, Nautilus Harbor, New Leaf City - Town Center, Omega Sector, Orbis, Perion, Rien, Sleepywood, Trend Zone Metropolis
Begins Quests: Disappeared Santa Encyclopedia , 행복한 마을의 겨울 준비
Involved In: Maplemas Surprise Party!, Rooney's Breaking News, News Special Report, Disappeared Santa Encyclopedia

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Found In: Korean Folk Town
Begins Quests: The Seed That Swallow Lost, The Lost Seed, Swallow's Memory, Tell Do Gong I Said Hi
Involved In: The Lost Seed, The Storybook on Hongbu and Nolbu (Hongbu), Do Gong's Swallow, Swallow's Memory, Swallow Isn't Alone, 견우 직녀를 위한 오작교!, 견우 직녀를 위한 오작교!!

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Tree Cutter

Found In: Tiger Forest II
Begins Quests: The Tree Cutter's Test
Involved In: The Story of Axes, The Tree Cutter's Test

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Yellow King Goblin

Found In: Goblin House
Begins Quests: What the Yellow King Goblin Wants
Involved In: What the Yellow King Goblin Wants

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